Newfoundland and Labrador, located in the eastern part of Atlantic Canada, consists of both the island of Newfoundland and the continental region of Labrador, encompassing a total area of 405,212 square kilometers. The majority of its population, nearly 92%, resides on the island of Newfoundland.

This province became the tenth and final addition to Canada in 1949. It is bordered by Nova Scotia to the southwest, the French territory of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon to the southeast, and is surrounded by the Labrador Sea to the north and south. To the south and west, it shares boundaries with Quebec.

List of All Newfoundland and Labrador Colleges and Universities

There are 41 Designated Learning Institutions (DLI) in Newfoundland and Labrador. We have included all on our list of all New Brunswick colleges and universities.

Newfoundland and Labrador Colleges and Universities at a Glance

Before making your decision on an educational institution in Newfoundland and Labrador, it’s crucial to verify their Designated Learning Institution (DLI) number.

A DLI number is specifically assigned to institutions that have received approval from a provincial or territorial government to welcome international students. It’s important to note that not all programs offered by DLI institutions are eligible for the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP).

Therefore, prior to submitting your application, ensure that your chosen program qualifies for the PGWP. Also, remember that DLI numbers always start with the letter “O,” not the numeral “0” (zero). Let’s start by providing a list of all colleges and universities in Newfoundland and Labrador.

IDName of InstitutionOffers PGWP-Eligible ProgramsCityCampusesDesignated Learning Institution Number (DLI #)
1Gander Flight Training (Exploits Valley Air Service)YesGanderGanderO19441196787
2Centre for Nursing StudiesYesSt. John’sSt. John’sO19441089096
3College of the North AtlanticYesBaie VerteBaie Verte CampusO19441088976
4College of the North AtlanticYesBonavistaBonavista CampusO19441088976
5College of the North AtlanticYesBurin Bay ArmBurin CampusO19441088976
6College of the North AtlanticYesCarbonearCarbonear CampusO19441088976
7College of the North AtlanticYesClarenvilleClarenville CampusO19441088976
8College of the North AtlanticYesConception Bay SouthSeal Cove CampusO19441088976
9College of the North AtlanticYesCornerbrookCornerbrook CampusO19441088976
10College of the North AtlanticYesGanderGander CampusO19441088976
11College of the North AtlanticYesGrand Falls-WindsorGrand Falls-Windsor CampusO19441088976
12College of the North AtlanticYesHappy Valley-Goose BayHappy Valley-Goose Bay CampusO19441088976
13College of the North AtlanticYesLabrador CityLabrador West CampusO19441088976
14College of the North AtlanticYesPlacentiaPlacentia CampusO19441088976
15College of the North AtlanticYesPort aux BasquesPort aux Basques CampusO19441088976
16College of the North AtlanticYesSt. AnthonySt. Anthony CampusO19441088976
17College of the North AtlanticYesSt. John’sPrince Philip Drive Campus, Ridge Road CampusO19441088976
18College of the North AtlanticYesStephenvilleBay St. George CampusO19441088976
19Memorial University of NewfoundlandYesCorner BrookGrenfell CampusO19440995346
20Memorial University of NewfoundlandYesSt. John’sFisheries and Marine Institute Campus, St. John’s CampusO19440995346
21Queen’s CollegeYesSt. John’sSt. John’sO19441168228
22Western Regional School of NursingYesCorner BrookCorner BrookO19441148519
23Academy CanadaNoCorner BrookCorner BrookO19441333188
24Academy CanadaNoSt. John’sSt. John’sO19441333188
25Keyin College (Advanced Educational Systems Inc.)NoSt. John’sSt. John’sO19441207179
26Keyin College (Data Enterprises)NoBurinBurinO19441233940
27Keyin College (Future First Inc.)NoGanderGanderO19441276742
28Keyin College (Future First Inc.)NoGrand Falls-WindsorGrand Falls-WindsorO19441276742
29Keyin College (KMD Educational Services Ltd.)NoCarbonearCarbonearO212215541367
30Keyin College (Southcoast Training)NoMarystownMarystownO19441297352
31Keyin College Western CampusNoStephenvilleStephenvilleO257888013712