Auburn University
Graduate students can access financial aid through Graduate Teaching Assistantships, comprising tuition waivers and stipends. While all graduate applicants can apply, preference is given to Ph.D. applicants. Visit
Georgia State University
M.A. students may qualify for Graduate Research Assistantships (GRAs), which offer an annual stipend. GRAs usually assist faculty members with research tasks for ten hours per week during the academic year. Ph.D. students, on the other hand, are eligible for Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GTAs), also providing an annual stipend. GTAs typically involve teaching undergraduate survey courses in U.S. and world history throughout the academic year. Visit
Miami University of Ohio
Students in the full-time MA program in History are automatically considered for departmental Graduate Assistantships, which offer financial support for up to two years. These assistantships provide a stipend and cover university instructional fees for the regular academic year. Visit

Ohio State University
The History Department offers graduate teaching assistantships with stipends and tuition waivers, while the Contemporary History Institute provides fellowships to selected graduate students. University policy dictates funding duration for graduate students. Those with a prior graduate degree (e.g., Ph.D. with an M.A. elsewhere) can get up to 10 semesters of tuition support, excluding summers. Those without (e.g., M.A. students or Ph.D. students with an M.A. from Ohio) can receive up to 12 semesters of graduate tuition scholarship. Visit
Texas Tech University
The Department of History annually awards Teaching Assistantships, with stipends ranging from $14,000 to $20,000. These assistantships cover in-state tuition and waive certain fees. Responsibilities include grading, supervising discussion sections for freshman survey courses, and teaching independent sections of U.S. History. Selection is competitive, with decisions made in the latter part of the spring semester. Renewals for up to one year for MA students and three years for PhD students are contingent upon departmental needs and individual performance as both a student and a teacher. Visit
University of Mississippi
The department provides numerous graduate assistantships annually, each offering up to $12,000 per year alongside a tuition scholarship. These assistantships are awarded based on merit and are open to all applicants to our program. Additionally, the Graduate School offers a recruiting fellowship program aimed at fostering inclusivity and academic excellence. This program may offer stipends and cover tuition costs. Visit
University of Oregon
The Department of History addresses the funding needs of graduate students through Graduate Employee appointments, internal awards, and university-wide fellowships, grants, and prizes. Additionally, students have the opportunity to earn competitive external scholarships and awards. For further details, please refer to the History Department’s Graduate Student Handbook. Visit
University of South Carolina
The History Department offers graduate assistantships to a limited number of Public History students, which may involve teaching or professional duties. Typically, these assistantships require 15-20 hours per week commitment and provide a stipend of $7625/semester for MA students and $8625/semester for PhD students. Assistantship holders are eligible for in-state graduate tuition rates and receive a tuition abatement. The availability of assistantships and financial assistance can vary annually. Visit
Washington State University
The Department of History primarily offers teaching assistantships as financial aid to students. Announcements for teaching assistant positions are typically made towards the end of the spring semester each year. The selection process for these positions considers two main factors: the availability of funds and the academic merit of applicants, evaluated by the department’s faculty. Teaching assistant appointments are generally for one year and may be renewed based on academic performance and availability of funds. Students enrolled in the M.A. program can hold teaching assistantships for up to two years, while those in the Ph.D. program can hold them for up to four years. It’s important to note that research assistantships and other graduate appointments are not subject to these specific financial assistance guidelines. Visit